Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Integrating brands with social media

I haven't had a chance yet to discuss Foursquare (which I'm slightly obsessed with). But, recently I've been noticing a growing trend of companies that are integrating themselves with the location-based service. Two companies that come immediately to mind are Bravo and Starbucks.

First of all, I want to talk a little bit about location-based social media. Loopt was kind of the navigator with the location-based mobile application, but has since fallen off the chart - despite the fact that they've tried to revamp their application with trending places. Foursquare came along and provided some of the features that consumers really wanted. Foursquare rewards users with badges, once they go to certain locations, or check in at certain times. Also, they offered incentives such as becoming the mayor of certain locations, which ultimately fosters competition between friends, or people who "check in" to the same locations as you. It becomes a simple game for users, and some of the big corporate dogs have noticed.... so let's talk about them for a minute.

Bravo TV has started their own Foursquare profile, which anyone can become friends with. Once you're friends with Bravo, if you check into venues that they recommend, you will receive their badges. Great marketing gig, Bravo! Because of this, Bravo offers tips at each of these locations, and in return, Bravo can also see the tips and comments that their users give. It's an interesting way for the TV network to interact and communicate with their consumers. Plus, it offers Foursquare the chance to engage with a more mainstream audience - seemingly a truly symbiotic relationship.

Similar to Bravo, Starbucks has also struck up a deal with Foursquare. Like Bravo, Starbucks can offer incentives to their consumers, dependent upon how many times they check into Starbucks locations. Not only does Starbucks want to foster the competition for mayorships over their coffee shops, but they also are offering Starbucks Barista badges and other special prizes. A Starbucks spokesperson said “Starbucks recently announced a relationship with Foursquare, which enables us to engage with our customers in unique ways by breaking down barriers of digital and physical worlds. Foursquare is another way for Starbucks to take the pulse of the experience in physical stores in real time and hear feedback from our customers.”

So is this all just a bunch of social media hype, or are these companies jumping on an opportunity that could really be cutting edge? Essentially what these marketing mavericks have done is taken their customer relationship and rewards program to the next level - the mobile level. Because users can leave tips, comments, or suggestions about these venues, Starbucks and Bravo are able to gain a deeper insight of their consumers, right at the touch of a button. Moreover, they have found a way to market deals and specials (pictured above). Simply brilliant!

Wait, did you just catch what I said? TV corporations, food and beverage megastars, and others are building partnerships to integrate city tips into the gamers' experience of a location-based mobile service. Plus, there's been a report that Facebook should be launching location-based features this month. Good idea Facebook. I think these Foursquare partnerships are fantastic, and I can't wait to see what Foursquare does next.


  1. it is interesting to see how 4sq beat out gowalla. not to mention how they build off the dodgeball platform. you should read (they funded 4sq, along with other social media sites) and talk to @ccg about dodgeball.

  2. Cool. Thanks for the suggestion!
